What it takes to move from education evidence to action

By Unlocking Data Initiative

This blog highlights key insights from a recent webinar that focused on foundational learning data from Cameroon, Kenya, and Malawi

Data and evidence are crucial in improving educational outcomes, including foundational learning. However, fragmented data ecosystems, limited accessibility to evidence and data, and mistrust between stakeholders continue to hinder its full potential. The Unlocking Data Initiative has been driving conversations to increase the use and users of data across sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2024, the initiative, funded by a GPE-KIX grant has been working in Cameroon, Kenya, and Malawi to map foundational learning data and implement collaborative research methods with data stakeholders to address bridge data gaps. In February, our webinar explored the state of foundational learning data in these countries, as published in 3 situational analysis reports for each of Kenya, Cameroon, and Malawi, as well as a cross-country report comparing challenges and lessons learnt. The webinar highlighted key challenges, opportunities, and practical ways to strengthen evidence use in foundational learning. Here are our key takeaways:

A critical first step: What do we know about the definitions of foundational learning in Unlocking Data focus countries?

As explained by Rigobert Pambe, Deputy Programme Lead at eBase, in Cameroon, foundational learning lacks a clear definition within policy and practice, making it difficult to align interventions across the region. While strong policies exist, implementation remains a challenge, particularly in conflict-prone areas. In Kenya, foundational learning focuses on improving learning outcomes for learners between the ages of 4 and 10.

The stakeholder landscape for foundational learning

Cameroon’s strong policies that drive foundational learning are embedded within the country’s education-governing institutions. Data from the country’s situational analysis reveal that the universities are not very involved in research on foundation learning. Most of the research outputs found focused on literacy and a little bit on teacher professional development. Areas like numeracy, social and emotional learning, and inclusive education were relatively neglected. 

In Kenya, the county government takes charge of early child development education (ECDE), while the national government delivers education services for primary 1 and upwards. This leads to fragmented efforts and inconsistent policies across the different levels of learning. 

In Malawi, foundational learning is managed across multiple ministries. The Ministry of Gender, Community Development, and Social Affairs is responsible for early childhood education, while the Ministry of Education focuses on basic and other levels of education, with little collaboration. This leads to gaps in data use and decision-making. 

Is fragmentation limiting data use and causing mistrust within the ecosystem?

Across all three countries, mistrust between government agencies, researchers, and policymakers limits the effective use of data. Governments often prefer to rely on their data, while researchers struggle to access official datasets. In Cameroon, research on foundational learning is limited, with universities largely disengaged. Much of the available data is published in English, limiting accessibility for francophone audiences, but also indicating limited opportunities for women to engage in data generation and publishing. A gendered analysis of publications also indicates limited female presence in the data generation space. In Kenya, researchers often reference data from the development sector or donor organisations such as the World Bank. In most cases, this data is easily accessed by development partners from the government because of a seemingly credible engagement between the government and the development sector. Meanwhile, in Malawi, researchers hold valuable insights on early childhood education, but much of their work remains siloed within universities, never making its way into classrooms where it’s needed most. This is mostly driven by researchers who fear the possibility of exposure of gaps in the data collection process and having their data plagiarized.

Gaps in foundational learning data

Across the countries of focus, research tends to focus heavily on literacy, with minimal attention to numeracy, social-emotional learning, inclusive education, and pre-primary readiness. Special needs education data remains scarce, making it difficult to design and implement inclusive policies. Data collected by governments is often outdated by the time it reaches decision-makers, as there is little integration with data collected by the respective ministries and departments, civil society organisations (CSOs) and universities.

What do we learn from what is working?

There are various opportunities to improve data use and data sharing. The Kenyan county governments are increasingly seeking support to package data into actionable reports, signalling a willingness to open data to the rest of the ecosystem and a shift towards evidence-based decision-making. In addition, a foundational learning community of practice has been formed to offer technical assistance on foundational learning policies and resource mobilization. Networks of organisations in Cameroon are coming together to share knowledge and set a common agenda for foundational learning, while in Malawi, new district-level data collection initiatives are piloting real-time dashboards, allowing for timely decision-making based on local needs.

How can the data ecosystem be strengthened across the three countries?

“The Kenyan universities, ministry directorates, and departments are now reaching out to co-create data collection tools, synthesize existing evidence, and in general strengthen the research functions. This is a good endorsement towards the long-term goal of evidence use in decision-making,” says Charles Gachoki, Research Manager, Evidence Synthesis and Translation, Zizi Afrique Foundation. To help strengthen this collaboration and put data into good use, creating champions and communities will encourage lateral learning for decision-making based on evidence.”

Building a central data repository will help in establishing a single open and accessible source of truth when it comes to connecting all data sources. Rigobert Pambe emphasises the need to establish a way to set up policies for data sharing, collection, and archiving. This unified, open-access platform for foundational learning data could streamline collaboration among stakeholders. While this could be a stronger solution, it needs an intentional and strategic investment in training and setting up digital systems that could help stakeholders collect, share, and analyze data more effectively.

There continues to be a call to create data sharing and archiving policies, in which clear regulations on data access, confidentiality, and use are put in place to build trust and increase data availability. There is an opportunity to learn from the other sector. For instance, in Malawi, the agricultural sector has successfully created a shared data portal linking donors, government agencies, CSOs, and academia. A similar model could be adapted for education and the stakeholders in Malawi are working on it, starting with building stakeholders’ capacity at the district level.

Moving Forward

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